19 March 2012

AION - Free to Play in Europe

>> Move Aion official site
 Hello everyone,
Is it warm over there? In Switzerland, It was starting rain since yesterday after noon and keep raining. Hope I can play a game in a garden soon with cool beers.

Today, I would like to review AION game. It is full 3D MMORPG game and awesome game graphic and sounds. Actually, when Aion was released in the world it was compared to World of warcraft. I played AION in Korea for 1 years and I started it again after I heard it has turned to F2P in only Europe. Actually, first time i was confused to download game and install so i needed to install it twice. Damn :'(

Anyway, let's start to play game.

Let's google aion on google and you can see some of sites. and please check Aion free-to-play in Europe. you must select  right one. >> Go Aion official site

when you install game client, you can set up game configurations.
Aion freel to play - When you finished installing game client and you need to select server. They commanded a server kindly. I don't have any friend to play Aion together so I just took it. 

Aion freel to play - In Aion, There are two type classes you need to chose one between Asmodians and Elyos. Of course i took Asmodians. I prepared dark side.

Aion freel to play - You should make sure which one you prepare due to you can create another side class any where. If you want to change, you need to create new account for it. 

Aion freel to play - Here is next step to create characters. As you can see, there are four classes as different ability and types.  

Aion freel to play - Now you can see my all most naked "SchatzLucy". I usually made character with pink hair. :') 

Aion freel to play - When you finished creating character and you need to make a password for security.  When I was play World of warcraft, My account was stolen and lost all item and gold. I don;t know it's common way, but in Korea, the developers really cares about game security. Yeah, as you think, it's annoying way to login game, but better then losing everything later on.

Aion freel to play - Here you go, I just took some of screenshot after created character. I reached to lv 12 after that time.

Aion freel to play - When Aion was released in Korea, 11 Nov 2009, lots of people mentioned it is just fake WOW, but i didn't think like that. I agree with Blizzad provied good way to improve MMORPG game style, but Aion didn't just copy that game contents. I would like to say strongly if you play Aion, you will see lots of different way to play game. 

Obviously, It's hard to play in English and to make friend in game. But i wanna play more Aion till when they show up Item shop to buy in Cash. I really wondering. 

When Aion has turned to Free to play game sine Feb 2012, don't know how it is changed by users. I would like to say there are a lot of play in server. If you see me, just send an invitation to schatzlucy. 


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